Friday, April 6, 2012

Chapter 8: Meet Corin

"Here kitty, kitty," Bren calls almost mockingly in Sylvan to the cat-like creature we found in a tunnel dug under the spider king's sarcophagus.

Bren precedes to try and reign in the tiger. It is fairly comical to watch the small halfling  wrestle the big paws of the large cat. At least it would have been entertaining if my heart wasn't in my throat fearing for our lives.

After a few minutes of wrestling around, Bren gains relative control of the cat.

"Stand back," Bren calls to the room. "Don't attack it! I got this!"

I chuckle lightly at Mara's raised eyebrow. I am thankful for the break in tension. But I have to admit, I am a little suspicious of his control over the creature myself.

The large cat peers over the side of the sarcophagus. It is an unusual hybrid. The head looks like an elongated lion with circular ears protruding from the corners. Covering any hair is  an ornate leather helmet. The claws are shaped like a badger's with extended nails suited for digging. Each finger is decorated with elaborate rings embedded with gems. It is quite a sight.

The looks on my companion's faces mirror my own confused expression. This species is completely different than anything I have ever studied before.

Bren seems the least affected by the creature's appearance and only skips a beat before taking a step toward it.

"We don't mean you harm." Bren reassures the creature, "What are you?"

"I am part of an ancient race." The creature responds, quite nervously. "What are you doing here?"

I learn a few things very quickly about this creature. It is a she, she is very young for her species, and she is as perplexed at meeting us as we her.

Bren took a moment to explain to her about the pearl and the spider man who requested it. When he asks her if she knows anything about it she becomes very anxious and responses stiffly, "I don't know anything."

He changes the subject--"What do you do?"

She begins to calm as she explains how she tunnels underground and brings things back to the master--though she never sees the mystery man. She enjoys scavenging for precious metals and creating things--an obvious passion.

She finally introduces herself as Corin. She briefly tells how her whole life is spent in the tunnels. When Bren speaks of our travels, she becomes extremely interested in coming along so she can scavenge for precious metals on the surface, a place she rarely goes.

The rest of us observe this interaction with various degrees of attention ranging from my extremely interested to Mara's absolute apathy. However, even Mara turns when the cat creature called Corin creeps out of the tunnel under the tomb to curl up in front of sarcophagus.

We all remain inaudible as Corin moves, a conscious effort to be polite at least on my part. But no one could help staring. Beginning at her shoulders her body was snake-like with several tendrils protruding from her slender body. She wore a satchel and had bottles, chalices, and other random junk in pockets along her entire body.

It is there, about halfway down her body, that I see the pearl. It wasn't entirely visible, but I am sure it was what we were looking for.

I glance around using mostly my peripheral vision and realize everyone has noticed the pearl because everyone's stance has changed slightly. Aramir has a hand on his bow, Mara still looks bored but her weapons are out, Flynn gets a conniving look in his eye, Bren's eyes got wide as he talked with Corin and I feel like I am on the edge of my seat reading a good suspense thriller. Except of course that this is real life. Coring grows anxious again seeing the change in temperament.

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Flynn moving toward the pearl in his silent, stealthy manner. I try not to react. Just as he is about to stick his hand out, Corin turns to him. I'm not sure how he made it happen, but in the blink of an eye he is putting a small bag of gold into Corin's satchel. He gives nothing away that he was in fact reaching for the pearl.

I fear she will snap at the small gnome anyway; however, she instead rubs up against him with affection.

Without missing a beat Bren and Corin are conversing again. I am a little more on edge now, but I continue to listen without feeling any need to interject. Bren asks about the island, but Corin only knows the undergrounds. She is very excited at the idea of seeing new lands.

Bren offers Corin protection when she expresses true fear of the spider folk. I sense the need that we should get off the island and fast. If only we had possession of the pearl so our death wouldn't be waiting for us at the mouth of the cave.

I even feel relief when Bren asks me to distract the others in the previous room so he could try a different tactic to get the pearl. I turn to the others who don't seem to have any hestiation about getting our of the room with the giant snake cat. As we turn to leave I hear Mara mudder with a shrug, "eh--he should be okay."

Missed an installment? Catch up on the adventure of Morrow Island...
Chapter 1: It Starts...
Chapter 2: The First Battle
Chapter 3: On the Docks
Chapter 4: Getting Nautical 
Chapter 5: Ghost Currents
Chapter 6: Into the Cave
Chapter 7: The Tomb

1 comment:

  1. I like it! It's fun to see it through Lorien's eyes.
