Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Chapter 7: The Tomb

We stand still just long enough for Flynn to heal me, and then we begin moving forward in the cave. I think we are all ready to get this side quest done so we can get out of this creepy burial chamber and back to our original mission.

It didn't surprise me that no one finds the spider's pearl very interesting. But the reward for finding it is our lives, so that is fairly good motivation.

Flynn hands me a lantern that allows us to see the whole way across the room. He gives me a look that says, stay back and out of trouble. I nod, I am more than happy to oblige.

Flynn moves forward stealthily into the cave. I take note of the sarcophagus in the middle of the room. It is made of hard, thick stone with a sturdy lid laid on top. On top of the lid stands an ornate holder assumingly where the pearl suppose to be. But where is it now?

Flynn looks back and gives us a nod meaning he finds no mechanical or magical traps. Bren throws several stones consecutively into the room. Nothing moved, there was only the sound of the echo of stones hitting the ground.

I see Flynn's eyebrow rise and Barbarrel take a defensive stance at the same moment I hear it--a faint rustling followed by heavy movement. We are not alone. I can't tell exactly where it came from, I suppose the shadows, but it felt like it was under us.

Flynn and Bren move to either side of the room where they light a torch on their respective wall. The torch lay in a furnished fixture with ornate castings. The whole room lit up.

I turn my focus to the sarcophagus. I will need to reach up on my tip toes to look inside, but on the humans it stands as high as their chest. On the lid under the pearl holder is a name written along with respectful words about the man. The language is Aquan, but I didn't take the time to decipher it with my limited knowledge of their written word. However, I could easily tell that he was royalty, possibly even a king.

There were engravings surrounding the room. I recognize the practice, it suppose to allow the deceased to pass safely from this world to the next. This scene lets me know that it really is a priority for the spider inquirer that the pearl which they believe contains their ancestors souls because lost with it is the soul of this honored king.

Looking up is a sight to see. It appears to be a tunnel, dug out directly about the sarcophagus. It is now empty and blocked about ten feet up--very intriguing.

I remain in the entry way--out of trouble. Mara and Aramir stand next to me. Flynn and Bren, along with Barbarrel, still stand on either side of the sarcophagus. The room is still for a moment, none of us know exactly what to do next.

It is Mara that makes the first move. With a little sigh, she walks straight over to the sarcophagus and flings the lid right off where it lands with a thud on the far side of the room. Everyone's jaw drops. She didn't even wait for help, she is stronger than I thought because that lid was solid stone and really heavy.

It is done now and we are all peering inside the king's sarcophagus at a large hole dug straight down into the found. I can not see how far down it goes. Flynn throws a torch into the hole and we watch as it just keeps going, spinning into oblivion. I did notice that the sides were a honeycomb texture as far as I can see.

Bren dropped another torch into the hole. This time a large paw swats at the light before it disappears into the abyss.

There is an audible gasp in the room. Honestly, it is probably just me.

"Did anyone else see that?" Bren asked, I'm not the only one who can't believe my eyes.

I remain speechless, but Mara calls, "Yes! Call it!"

I wonder why in the world you would want to do that, but before I can form coherent words Bren is calling the cat-like creature almost mockingly in Sylvan, "Here kitty, kitty."

Missed an installment? Catch up on the adventure of Morrow Island...
Chapter 1: It Starts...
Chapter 2: The First Battle
Chapter 3: On the Docks
Chapter 4: Getting Nautical 
Chapter 5: Ghost Currents
Chapter 6: Into the Cave

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