Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chapter 6: Into the Cave

We sat in silence as Mara guided the boat according to our strange passenger's directions. We did not particularly want to be sidetracked by the request, but we didn't want to die either. It was great motivation to fight.

We are off to a dungeon on Spider Island, which in itself is daunting. When we are there we are to retrieve a pearl that contains the souls of our temporary fish-arachnid ally's ancestors from the tomb. Our foes are lizard folk, I imagine the same ones we encountered on the beach last night.

We met our guide Malcolm after that attack, though he is now passed out at the boat's stern from a hallucination inspiring mer-folk bite. It has been a very exciting 24 hours for us. I suppose this is what I asked for when I wanted a quest to prove myself a mature, wise elf.

We arrive on the shore and head in the direction our spider ally points us. He leads us to the mouth of a dark cave and then steps out of the way. Now it's time to enter and find out exactly what we are up against.

We all stand at the entrance of the cave, I appreciate the momentary silence, the calm before the storm. Inside the cave was darkness, like that of a new moon. Even though the blackness surrounds us, my sensitive eyes are able to pick out the lizard folk who laze about the large foyer room. There seems to be eight of them paired up in small groups on either side of the room. They are currently unaware of our approach.

Aramir and Flynn tip toe across the middle of the room soundlessly. Not one lizard foe even reacts as they cross the large area. Bren stands just in the mouth of the cave, just to the right of his silent but ready riding dog.

I stand next to Mara, one step into the room. My senses are hypersensitive in the still darkness of the room. Mara smirks and rolls her eyes at the two creeping through the room. I sense that she will not attempt to leave these lizard folk thieves alive. She has a blood-lust that I don't understand, but I find it fascinating.

I'm not sure what exactly alerted the lizard folk to our presence in the cave. I would most likely pin it to Mara's whispered sigh as our two companions reached the far side of the room and turned back to us. I would also assume that the almost inaudible sound was on purpose, though I'm not sure if she would ever admit to it or even consciously created the initiation.

In this moment however, it doesn't much matter what started it because our lizard foes are alert and slowly approaching us. Their clubs and daggers are extended and their intention is death.

It is no surprise that Mara swings the first blade and obtains the first kill instantly. She steps over the lifeless body waiting for her next opportunity to attack.

Barbarrel the dog remains in a ready stance until one gets within his reach. Then he swipes once before springing into action.

I still stand in the entryway looking into the eyes of my opponent. I take a step backward and unsheathe my longsword as I prepare my attack. I really have to work on my reaction time, but I'm getting better.

Though not good enough. Before I can get a swing into my foe I feel a sting and a warm gush of blood flowing from my thigh. I pull the small dagger out as an arrow thuds into his back. I stab the lizard man in the juggular with the dagger in my left hand, still wet with my own blood--a fatal blow. To seal the deal I decapitate him with my waiting longsword.

Damn, that hurt. Thankfully it is nothing critical, just really painful. And a little nauseating.

I look up to meet Aramir's eyes. I nod to him, thanking him for the assist.

My leg is throbbing, but I try to focus on what is going on around me. Barbarrel is sparring with one lizard foe to my left, Bren aids his dog with his slingshot. Mara swings but her opponent dodges her attack. Thankfully, the lizard men are fumbling about and missing us as well.

The battle control gets back in our hands. Flynn swings his sickle, injuring a foe near Mara. She lowers her sword to decapitate that one and carries through, injuring another. Aramir punches an arrow into the foe's arm.

I notice a lizard man slithering closer to me. I take a deep breath before I swing my sword trying to block the pain and maybe make the room stop spinning. My lunge is wide, catching myself off balance. My opponent catches me on the upper arm with his club. I stumble, but manage to stay on my feet. Well, at leat my leg doesn't hurt so much for the moment. That will be a hell of a bruise though.

Mara calls over to me, "Are you okay, elf?"

"Um, not particularly, but I'll live." I answer.

I fumble to grasp my sword and gain my balance as Flynn becomes my rescuer this time. He leaps silently and lodges his sickle in the foe's belly--instantly dead.

There is only one for remaining, standing in the middle of the room. Aramir lodges an arrow in his eye and then Barbarrel the dog finishes him off.

 The silence after combat is eerie, the air is entirely too still. Not something I'm use to--at least not yet. I sit heavily on the ground and rest my head between my legs in the mouth of the cave. What an adventure this is turning out to be. My pounding head and aching limbs are making it feel more real than ever.

The others are in various stages of resting and looting bodies. I notice them picking up loose gold, clothing and small weapons. Then I notice a large glint of gold on one foe's belt. Flynn hovers over it a minute before picking it up. He was close enough to me that I think I see a small water symbol on the green amulet and he turns it over in his hands. Then without a sound he slips it in his pocket. I don't say a word about it, I'm positive he isn't paying any attention to me. Then again, the way my head is swimming, I could be the one hallucinating. Nonetheless, I will keep a close eye on him, especially since he is now turning towards me.

Before I turn my attention to Flynn, I notice Bren standing in a white powder that fell on the ground, breathing it in. I begin to feel very good, despite my injuries. Yes, very good indeed.

Missed an installment? Catch up on the adventure of Morrow Island...
Chapter 1: It Starts...
Chapter 2: The First Battle
Chapter 3: On the Docks
Chapter 4: Getting Nautical 
Chapter 5: Ghost Currents

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