Sunday, March 18, 2012

Morrow Island

[Behind The Scenes}

I'm finally doing it...I'm playing Dungeons and Dragons!

It is one of those things I always wanted to do, to see what it all was about, but haven't yet had the opportunity. Well, the chance has arisen with some awesome friends. Lady Caitlin and Sir Tristan have been good friends for some time. However, meeting Lady Rem and Sir Jes has been an enormous pleasure. It is an amazing thing to find people who you can truly be yourself around. However crazy or weird that may be.

After playing D&D a few times now, I am really enjoying it. I often get lost in the crunching of numbers, but the story and the challenge is exciting. Role-playing and becoming someone else is also inspiring. These are things I have dabbled in through video games, but never experienced like this among others. Now that I am getting lost in the story and the characters, I am getting lost in the whole game.

I love writing about my character and the world she is in. The game just inspires my imagination to write it all down. I'm writing the story and about our adventures here as well as in a log for a possible future publication (perhaps joint publication?). I love how it gets my creative juices going, which spills over into my other hobbies and life in general.

My character is Lorien Taralom. She is a young elf maiden who has decided it is time for her to set out on her own away from her home, Elmwood Forest, and everything she knows to prove herself to her people and to herself. She lacks confidence and combat skills, but is excellent at reading and persuading people. She knows extensive histories and crafting thanks to her mother and father. She also has a special skill in dance and music, both vocally and through a small flute. She has long flowing locks of golden hair and dresses in a purple tunic and a darker purple skirt that glitters with gold. Purple is the color of her people and she wears it proudly.

From my perspective, this is a coming of age story, for my character and myself (at least in gaming adventures.) I am learning the game and its intricate nature. I am leaning how to role-play and become more than myself. It is fun getting together and experiencing a story together.

I am going to regale my D&D adventures as part of this blog. Mostly for my companions and myself, but it should be a fun journey to follow if you are nerdy like me. The story portion from the perspective of Lorien will be labeled "Morrow Island" the campaign name. And my converstaion of our time playing and my experiences with D&D as we play more will be labeled "MI: Behind the Scenes." (At least for right now.)

I'm very excited, this is going to be an awesome adventure!

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